Maintenance & Support
Maintenance services can be provided whether you host with E&S, host elsewhere, or maintain your own server
Maintenance & Support
We offer responsive Web site update services on demand.
Our flexibility enables you to maximize the productivity of your staff without a huge investment in in-house Web experts. Maintenance services can be provided whether you host with E&S, host elsewhere, or maintain your own server.
Our team can work hand-in-hand with your people to provide back-up coverage, deeper technical expertise, workload balancing, or we can handle the entire content-update process on your behalf.

Listed below are examples of the various services that can be included in a managed-care program.
- Web site updates
- Database updates
- Link validation
- HTML validation
- Dead page removal
- Web site activity statistics
- Analysis of statistical reports
- Search engine optimization
Fast, accurate turnaround is our specialty!
Listed below are examples of the various services that can be included in a managed-care program.
- Web site updates
- Database updates
- Link validation
- HTML validation
- Dead page removal
- Web site activity statistics
- Analysis of statistical reports
- Search engine optimization
Fast, accurate turnaround is our specialty!
What Our Customers Say About Us
Hosting Features
In today’s world of high speed internet access it is essential to ensure your website is online when your customers need it. We know too well the disappointment experienced when a site required for urgent information or a purchase is down. Our professional hosting packages are run on the same backbone connection as our dedicated servers and receive the same high level of customer service and support.
Domain Registration
We search across multiple registrar databases to give you registration information on millions of domain names with many different extensions, regardless of where they are registered.
Find out what else we can help you with
IT Infrastructure & Networks
In today’s world of Information Technology, IT infrastructure has become an integral part of every business. Industrial systems are interconnected and offices have gone paperless. Evamp & Saanga is a dependable IT solutions provider.
Red Hat Licenses
Evamp & Saanga, in 2013, started by introducing Red Hat to Pakistan to users that already had operational capability and extended our strategy to include the official Red Hat Academy providing a platform for the next generation of certified Red Hat Engineers in the region.
Evamp & Saanga is a Certified Integration WSO2 Partner and has dedicated engineers with proven skills in delivering WSO2 based solutions.