AR/VR Applications: Shaping the New Dimension of Interaction

Evamp & Saanga: Pioneers in Metaverse-Ready Experiences

AR/VR Applications

As we venture into the Metaverse’s expansive horizons, Evamp & Saanga is at the forefront, forging the future with Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies. We specialize in crafting custom applications and innovative web AR experiences that push the boundaries on both iOS and Android platforms, redefining interaction and user engagement in this new digital frontier.

Augmented Reality (AR) Solutions: Beyond Visuals to Visceral Experience

Our AR solutions extend past visual enhancement to revolutionize user interactions. We empower industries with AR for workforce training, retail for enriched shopping experiences, and brands for deeper connections. By utilizing cutting-edge AR technology, we craft interactive experiences that seamlessly merge the physical with the digital, ensuring every encounter is impactful and memorable.

Virtual Reality (VR) Development: World-Building with Purpose

In the VR sphere, we create more than mere simulations—we craft entire realities. With disruptive technologies and innovative programming, our VR solutions transcend traditional experiences, from immersive software to web-based VR. We cater to sectors ranging from education to sales, focusing on delivering VR experiences that are as immersive as they are authentic.


Mobile AR/VR Development: Tailored, Platform-Specific Experiences

Our expertise spans mobile platforms, integrating AR and VR functionalities into iOS and Android apps with finesse. We provide customized development and optimization, ensuring each solution is perfectly aligned with the platform’s strengths. Our meticulous AR/VR app development process guarantees excellence from concept to launch, setting your application apart in the ever-growing market.

Mixed Reality Experiences: The Convergence of Worlds

In mixed reality, we blend the tangible and virtual to create synergistic experiences. Our solutions provide real-time integration of intelligent virtual objects into actual environments, enhancing productivity and efficiency in enterprise applications.


The Advantages of AR/VR Solutions

  • Heightened Engagement: Our AR/VR experiences enthrall users, fostering brand loyalty and retention.
  • Training Efficacy: VR training simulations enable safe, cost-effective skill development.
  • Interactive Marketing: AR campaigns create engaging experiences that boost user interaction and conversion rates.
  • Operational Cost Savings: VR solutions eliminate the need for physical models and reduce travel costs.
  • Intuitive Data Visualization: AR/VR enables complex data to be comprehended more easily, supporting superior decision-making.

At Evamp & Saanga, we do more than create AR and VR applications—we redefine experiential technology. Committed to innovation and excellence, we are propelling immersive tech into the future. Whether for training, customer engagement, or brand enhancement, our AR and VR solutions are custom-built to fulfill your ambitions and surpass your expectations.

Crafting the Future, One Reality at a Time!



What Our Customers Say About Us

Evamp & Saanga has the capability, resources and most importantly the drive to deliver on the challenging tasks and it was very encouraging to know that their ambitions are well aligned with our of vision of digitalization and empowerment.

Mustafa Jamshed Gillani
Director Product Development (Telenor Pakistan)

The quality and delivery of work has been excellent and the whole team has been very supportive and collaborative. In the event of any iterations of the work, Evamp & Saanga has solved the discrepancies in a quick manner. We definitely think that Evamp & Saanga is a good partner to work with. We seek to extend and strengthen our relationship with more critical projects, which are pivotal for Golf Connections customer experience Journey.

Anders Hodal and Michael Myllerup
Co-founders (Golf Connections)

Nice work done by you and your team, BOK has good working relations with Evamp & Saanga.
I hope this working relation may flourish further in future.

Hassan Tariq
Incharge Corporate Communications & Branding

Evamp & Saanga have proven to be reliable long-term partners, consistently delivering high-quality mobile software developers that drive our fintech innovations forward. We trust their expertise and dedication in helping us achieve our goals.

Imran Shahid
Axian Group

Find out what else we can help you with

Mobile App Development

We offer top notch mobile app development services. Whether you want cross-platform mobile apps or prefer the native ones, we can develop them all.

Location Based Services

By implementing Location Based solutions, over clients can have the right infrastructure and capability to build services for subscribers. This results in an added revenue stream for them.

Enterprise SMS

Business SMS allows companies to easily be able to send out message alerts as SMS messages. These messages could be used for information or alerting purposes. Business SMS is a Web based application that requires no installation.

Initiate your Digital Odyssey Today!

Ready to embolden your enterprise with the vanguard of mobile innovation? Reach out for a dialogue with Evamp & Saanga, and uncover the pathways to lead your digital renaissance.